Advanced & customized NK cell therapy
Safe and effective as certified and verified by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Japan with strict regulations.
There is no gene editing or modification throughout the cultivation and activation of NK cell processing.
The Uniqueness of MYJ1633
The Process

The Power of MYJ1633 Cultivation Method
High cell number with short cultivation time (10-14 days)

Before cultivation
Number of immune cells before culture 5.68 x 10⁶

4 days later

7 days later

14 days later
Number of immune cells after culture 2.88 x 10⁹
Experimental scheme and total cell number of MYJ1633 following ex vivo expansion.
Total cell number increased by more than 140-200 fold
Numbers of NK & NKT cells increased by more than 500-2000 fold

Clearance of Cancer Cells with
Highly Activated NK Cells
Before Activation
Our body naturally contains NK cells that are capable of killing cancer cells. However, the strength and the small number of these NK cells in our body are not able to eliminate all cancer cells.

After Activation
NK Cell Therapy increases the number of cells by 500 – 2000 times, maximizing our body’s ability to detect and kill cancer cells effectively.

Clinical Results with High Cytotoxicity
High cytotoxicity directly improves the immune cells’ ability to kill abnormal or cancer cells.

Results with High
Expression of
Activating Receptor
The ex vivo activated NK and NKT cells
(MYJ1633) expressing high number of
activating receptors.