What is NK Cell Therapy?

NK cell therapy is NK cell-based immunotherapy.
It was proven over decades ago from pioneering clinical studies against disease.

NK cell therapies are flexible to combine with conventional therapy.

Weakens immunity

Major conventional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy

Strengthens immunity

Synergistic effects when combined with conventional cancer therapies

Conventional Therapy
– Weakens immunity
Major conventional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy

NK Cell Therapy
– Strengthens immunity
Synergistic effects when combined with conventional cancer therapies

Boost immunity and prevent disease

Increase survival rate of cancer patients and improve their quality of life

Non-invasive procedure and no side effect

Rejuvenate for better vitality in daily life

NK cell therapies can be divided into autologous transplantation and allogeneic transplantation.

An autologous transplant uses a person’s own NK cells.

• Use own blood cell and expand ex vivo
• No side effect

An allogeneic transplant uses NK cells from a person other than the patient, either a matched related or unrelated donor

• Use donor blood cell and expand ex vivo
• Risk of graft versus host disease


is autologous NK cell-based immunotherapy.