What is Immunotherapy?


A variety of advanced techniques utilizing immune cells or cytokines to strengthen human immune system in order to fight diseases.


Detects and destroys abnormal cells (virus-infected, apoptotic and cancerous cells)
Do not kill healthy cells, unlike conventional treatments using drugs and radiations

Types of Cell-based Immunotherapies

NK cell therapy

T cell therapy

Dendritic cell therapy


is one of the NK cell-based immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy significantly decreased the risks of overall recurrence more than 20% compare to the group without immunotherapy.

Liver Cancer

Clinical Trial & Results

No. of patients: 150

Compared with patients who received general treatments, the relapse-free survival rate among patients who received immunotherapy after 7 years was 2 times higher. (over 7 years)

Clinical research on cancer relapse rate in 150 patients who had liver cancer surgery

Clinical research on cancer relapse rate in 150 patients who had liver cancer surgery

We administered immune cells at intervals of 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months and 6 months

Lung Cancer

Clinical Trial & Results

No. of patients: 164

Compared with radiation or chemotherapy after surgery, the survival rate of patients with immunotherapy combined was 2.2 times higher than general treatments. (over 7 years)

A phase III randomized study of interleukin-2 lymphokine-activated killer cell immunotherapy combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy after curative or noncurative resection of primary lung carcinoma. PKimura H., Yamaguchi Y. cancer 80: 42-49, 1997